
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day 40: Some Bad Advice

June and her Great-grandma.

I've been feeling poetic all day, and now that I'm finally in front of my computer, ready to write...


My mind is a complete blank.  That's what I get for procrastinating.  I should have sat in front of my computer the moment I got home from church, when my mind was buzzing with ideas of what to write today.  Or, in the very least, I should have written some of those ideas down.

Now, I sit here in a sleepy stupor, wondering why I'm still sitting up.  So I'll leave you with just a few random thoughts for the evening, and I'll try harder tomorrow night.

I love to color
Even though it's exhausting, I love to act crazy in front of the primary children during singing time
I love babies and the peaceful feeling I get when I hold them
Laughter is the best medicine...except for headaches
Nobody likes a whiner
If a hymn gets stuck in your head, let it stay a while
Don't agree to do something you really don't want to do...because you'll end up backing out at the last minute
Procrastination is the lack of foresight, and the height of selfishness

1 comment:

  1. I love that picture. I think Jacob looks a lot like June. I had a double take when I saw this picture.
