
Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 48: Dusk gorgeous!

I was sitting on my front step this evening, waiting for my cat to come back to the house and watching the neighborhood kids playing in the yard, when I decided it was the perfect moment to have my camera with me.  I took a handful of shots of the kids climbing the tree in the yard, and looking through the railing at me, before they all scampered off to another yard to play a different game.  It was so peaceful and calming to sit in the shade with a light breeze (it had finally cooled off a bit), listening to little voices laughing and chattering to one another.  It was exactly what I needed.

Then, just before I went back into the house, I snapped a few shots of the bushes next to my front door - on a whim, not really thinking any of them would turn out - and I happened to catch the sun setting behind one of the bushes.  Dream shot!!

This is truly my favorite shot of this project so far!  I just look at it and feel a warm glow.  I didn't edit it (just stuck my signature on the bottom), it didn't have to go through any prep or think up some great idea.  It just happened.

The best shots just happen!  You know. When you just happen to hit the shutter button at the precise moment in time to capture something that you wouldn't normally see unless you froze it.  Those are the shots that look OK in person, but translate into another dimension of beauty through the lens.

Those are the shots that make me LOVE photography!

1 comment:

  1. This is so pretty! All I can think is Bokeh, Bokeh, Bokeh! The more the better...:) And how cute is that mini rainbow? :)

    Someday I will become the master of light. This one is perfect.
