
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 37: The Glorious Heavens

My view from the parking lot at work.

This post was inspired by the tragically adorable double rainbow guy.  I know my picture doesn't have a "full-on double rainbow across the sky," but it does have sunbeams!  And it is incredible!  I confess that this view didn't make me weep openly or yell in unabashed ecstasy (too much?).  Nor did it make me stop and question, "what does this mean?"

But I still had a quiet moment of wonder at the simple beauty that surrounds us every day.  We take it for granted, but the magnificence of the world around us is always there for us to appreciate, and sometimes freak out over.

So this one's for you, Hungrybear

All the way!

1 comment:

  1. So pretty! I still don't know how to respond to that video. I feel confused. But it was an eye/ear opener nonetheless! Haha
    ps. I had a sunbeam picture today too that I'm posting. Jesus wants us to be sunbeams! :D
