
Sunday, July 4, 2010

Day 33: Lazy Sunday

Kim's orchids.

I'm going through an over-exposure, faded, artsy phase right now.  I think I keep going for that look because I can't quite seem to get it right.  This is attempt number...I don't know...4?  I'll keep trying until my vision becomes reality!'s the real 4th of July, and I didn't get any shots of fireworks, yet again.  This time it was because I was too embarrassed/timid to butt in on my neighbor's fireworks parties.  I had two separate neighbors in my block area that were setting off their fireworks in the parking lot and street around my place.  Both of them looked to be having fun, and the fireworks looked perfect to photograph, but every time I tried to go outside with my camera I got flooded with embarrassment.  I even got as close as the front door at one point before I turned around, ashamed and abashed at my utter lack of gusto.

Sometimes my social awkwardness doesn't inhibit me from getting the good shots, but most of the time it does.  I need to buck up and get a little confidence!  Unfortunately for me, it only comes by degrees, and I don't seem to have any control over how fast I gain that confidence.  At least I can tell that I'm slowly getting better.

That's a good sign, right?

Anyway, hopefully I'll get some better shots next time.  Thanks for reading, if you got this far, and thanks for commenting!  You're minimal support helps my pitiful confidence levels rise by degrees, and it helps me not feel like a complete idiot on the days when I disappoint myself. ;)


  1. I love the faded look and the colors of this photo, Val. The second I saw the thumbnail on facebook I wanted to click on it so I could see it bigger.

    And hey, when I was a teenager I was literally terrified of saying hi to people, even if I knew them. So I can relate to your awkwardness in trying to take photos of your neighbors fireworks. The more you face those fears the more you realize that what you were afraid would happen usually doesn' was just a story you told yourself and not a true one at that.

  2. Oh Val...I didn't know you didn't get any fireworks shots. I'm sorry. YOu could have taken them from my bedroom window.
