
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day 49: Feet

Becca and Sherry

My sister and her daughter are staying the night with us, and I managed to grab a random shot of their feet as they were getting ready for bed.  My favorite part about this shot: the cute little scratch on Becca's knee. :D

A few thoughts from today:
*Books are the best refuge sometimes.
*Temple night tonight.  Looove temple night!  We came out of the temple to a gorgeous, stormy, black sky, and a warm breeze.
*I wore a skirt that I haven't worn since my brother got married, and I forgot how cute it is.  I felt like twirling around in it all day!
*I've been hanging around my cats too much.  I caught a glimpse of a co-worker as he made a conspiratorial look at another co-worker, and my first thought was that he looked just like Georgie when she's stalking the laser.
*I love my sweet mother and her patience with me and my sister.  We are so rude sometimes!
*Lunch breaks are very important.

The End

1 comment:

  1. thanx val...It is easy to be patient with you,and fun to be able to share temple nite with you!
