
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 16: Snacks

Some snacks I've packed for my camping trip this weekend...HAPPY CAMPER!

I'm heading up the canyon for the annual camp-out with my office.  Two days and two nights out in nature, hanging out with my co-workers.  Some may think that sounds like a match made in hell, but I'm actually really excited!  Then again, I love camping and I have great co-workers, so why wouldn't I be excited?  The only down side is that I won't have access to the internet to post my picture for Day 17 (well that, and the bugs...I hate bugs with an unnatural tenacity).

But don't worry (in case anyone actually made it this far in the reading), I will still take my picture for Day 17, I'll just have to post it with Day 18 when I get home.

Now, off to the wilderness to get lost in nature!  Well, hopefully I won't actually get lost in nature, but I'll get caught up in nature.  Not that I want to get caught up in anything dangerous, like poison ivy (do we even have that in Utah?).  So maybe the better choice of words would be...

Now, off to the wilderness to get absorbed in nature!

Oh, never mind.

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