
Saturday, October 9, 2010

Day 130: Old Reliable

An old truck outside the State Street Grill in American Fork.

I've passed this old truck a half a dozen times in the past month, and every time I want to stop and take a picture of it.  Today was the first time I actually did it, and I think that's only because my sister was driving.  I don't know why I always chicken out when I want to get a picture of something truly cool, but it happens all the time.  It's one of the reasons I end up with so many pictures of things around my house. :)

I aged the photo quite a bit to get this look, so I should point out that the truck is much better off in person.  But this is how I see it in my head.  Old, rusty, and full of character; this truck speaks to me on a level that no one else could.  It says experience, bad treatment, age and neglect don't render something completely useless.  But rather, it renders a thing more valuable because of its staying power.  When other, flashier cars would have been sent to the scrap heap decades before this one if they had undergone the same treatment, this car became art.  

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