
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 169: Self-Portrait #9

My looks longer than it is.

I'm thinking of chopping off my hair again.  I haven't decided for sure - I keep going back and forth about it - but just in case I make a split-second decision, I wanted to take a picture of how long it's gotten since the last time I chopped it.  Now, this picture makes it look super-long because I was tilting my head back, but still.  It's a good length.

A little too good, actually.  It's driving me crazy.  And I end up wearing it in a bun 90% of the time lately, so it feels pointless to have it this long and not show it off.  Plus, I hate the cut.  From the back, all trailing behind me, it looks great.  But from the front it's frizzy and limp at the same time.  It's my own fault though.  I tried to trim it myself.  Anyway, it's really annoying and it doesn't make me feel cute.

But, there's always that little voice in my head (usually my brother's voice from when he was in high school and wanted to indoctrinate me with his wisdom) saying, "Guys aren't attracted to girls with short hair.  It makes them look manly, and that's not what guys like.  Guys like long attracts their want their attention, don't you Valerie?"

It's a sneaky little voice, and 80% of the time it wins out...mainly because it's been whispering that to me since I was 7 or 8 years old.

Thanks Dave.

But, we'll see.  I've ignored the voice before.  Once I even went so far as to attempt a pixie cut (it wasn't a pixie cut, but it was definitely boy-short)...I'll never do that again.  But I do have a few favorite short cuts, so I might decide to "carpe diem," as they say, and do what I want.

Or I might not.

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