
Monday, November 8, 2010

Day 160: New Perspective

A piece of my new desk.

This weekend Mom, Christine and I did a major deep clean of the desk and TV area in Christine's and my room.  We planned it all out, bought new bookshelves to hold the expected volume of carry-over from our old shelves, moved furniture around, got rid of other furniture, and threw a lot of junk away.  It wasn't our biggest deep-clean by far, but it felt like a monumental task to me.  And when we finished, the fruits of our labor paid off with this awesome new "media center"!

Now - instead of having my TV crammed in between two large pieces of furniture, the miniature we called a desk shoved between our beds, the now-ugly red rug tripping us up every time we tried to walk in the dark, or the broken dresser wobbling precariously every time we made any sudden moves - we have one long desk that holds the TV, my laptop (which was previously homeless and stuck on or under my bed most of the time), Christine's computer, the printer we inherited, all my movies, and the A/V equipment.  And it looks much better than the old setup!

Sure, it's not completely perfect, and sure I'm still stuck with a few ugly bits of furniture, but it's progress.

Plus, now I can write my blog posts without popping my hips out of joint by sitting cross-legged on my bed for hours!


  1. Did you blank out the time on those on purpose? You made me laugh out loud with the "Sudden Movements" comment ahahahah

  2. Haha! I cracked myself up with that one, so I'm glad someone else thought it was funny! And yes, I did blank out the time on purpose, but it was merely cosmetic (not because I didn't want anyone to see what time I took the shot). Both clocks glowed so brightly in the picture that it was distracting.
