
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day 19: Blinker

Oh, Jasper!

I tried to take a picture of my parents today since it's Father's day, but none of them turned out.  (I didn't notice that I was blocking the flash with my own hand.)  So, instead you get this close-up of my sister's cat, Jasper.

Here's a little story about Jasper:

When Christine moved here from Miami, Jasper was the definition of a 'fraidy cat.  He hid underneath Christine's bed the first week or so that he was here, and when he did venture out, he was on high alert and would bolt the second he heard any noise.  He never got near the front door when we opened it.  Outside was a jungle of strange noises and smells that made him pee a little every time he got near it.  We tried to slowly get him used to our house and - at least - our front porch, and by degree's, he began to acclimate.

Then one morning, just a month or so after Christine moved here, Dad got up early to get the paper and accidentally left the front door ajar.  Jasper, apparently feeling a bit brave, ventured outside to check out the early morning air.  Shortly after he snuck out, Dad noticed the open front door and shut it on his way back upstairs.  A few hours later, as I was headed out to work, I noticed a noise outside that sounded like a baby crying.  I opened the door to see if one of the neighbors was outside, but I couldn't see a thing.  The sound was so loud!  So I stood on the front porch to try to get a better look, and noticed something moving underneath my car in front of the house.  As I approached the car, the crying got louder and deeper and I realized it was Jasper!  I was shocked!  What was he doing trapped under my car at 7 in the morning!

He wouldn't come out from under the car until I was crouched down next to him with my proffered hand underneath the bumper.  Once he inched out enough for me to pick him up, he was immediately in my lap, clinging to my shoulder with all claws out.  His wailing intensified until I brought him back inside, but the moment I let him down on the living room carpet, he bolted for Christine's room to hide under her bed for the rest of the day.

We couldn't get him near the living room for a week.

1 comment:

  1. Ohhh honey! Look at dat face! That is the cutest little love face ever!! He's so precious! Speaking of precious, Lewis is biting Lily right now. I'm off to rescue. The stinker!!!
